Love on Fire

Practicing Embodied Intimacy After Sexual Trauma

Leah RS Braun

A practical guide through the grueling (but sublimely rewarding) recovery journey from sexual trauma, told through experience, strength, and hope.

Walk again with Leah RS Braun as she guides her readers through the swirling and often murky waters of recovery from sexual trauma.

Leah recounts what has worked for her in her journey as a survivor, as well as sharing the poignant stories of several other brave women who have traveled a similar path toward recovery.

This book is more than words you read; it's actions you take.

If you want to feel better and even (gasp!) enjoy your sexuality, grow your intimacy skills, attain power and sovereignty in your own skin, and do it all without being hijacked by trauma memories, intrusive thoughts, or repeating destructive patterns you can’t seem to stop on your own, this book is for you.

Join Leah as she shares intimately about her set-backs and victories on the path to trauma recovery, and begin your own survivorship journey on the way. Leah holds your hand as you read the book and begin detailing your own commitment to make healing changes in your life. She also provides you with real-world, affordable recovery resources you can access wherever you are.

Now is the time to reclaim your sexual and intimate power and agency, and to know that you’ll change our rape culture — one survivor at a time — as you step into your own sexual trauma recovery story.

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About The Author

Leah RS Braun

Leah RS Braun

Leah RS Braun is the author of Sex On Fire: Finding Embodied Intimacy After Trauma and Love on Fire: Practicing Embodied Intimacy After Sexual Trauma.

Leah’s mission is to help others (and herself) get OUT of the trap of people-pleasing, hyperfunctioning, and relationships that do not give us the space to be who we are.

To do this, we must be courageous enough to look deeply inside ourselves, heal our wounds, and lean into what is possible when we stop taking care of others and start taking care of ourselves.