We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of “Playing with Fury” by Lisa Jacob.
New Book Release: “Playing With Fury” by Lisa Jacob

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of “Playing with Fury” by Lisa Jacob.
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of how do you spell the sound of crickets by Paola Bruni & Jory Post. "Write to me. Keep me alive," wrote Jory Post to Paola Bruni as he was dying of inoperable cancer. Hence, the quiet conversation ensued — one poet to another — an intimate, and at times playful, sharing of hopes, fears, and grief. how do you spell the sound of crickets is available now in trade paperback and digital editions from most major online booksellers.
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Artisanal Gibberish II: Yet More Gibberish by Matthew Legare. Man vs. Poetry: The struggle continues. Wherein the author continues his struggle with the written word in this new volume of what some might call "poetry" … if they had low standards. You will find contained within further musings on such random topics as chickens, lumberjacks, parrots, planks, rental lodging, and how to die convincingly on stage. Compiled (or maybe "accreted" is a better word) over the course of several years, Artisanal Gibberish II: Yet More Gibberish is the culmination of six...
We are thrilled to announce the availability of the new edition of Artisanal Gibberish by Matthew Legare. Man vs. Poetry. Poetry may be ahead on points. Munificent musings on multiple matters, mainly manifesting in a literary litany of alliterative madness. It's poetry, if you squint … Initially inspired by the need to chase a monstrous sea creature around, Artisanal Gibberish is the manifestation of alliteration, assonance, homophonic wordplay which rattles around in Mr. Legare's head all … the … time … Artisanal Gibberish is perfect for leaving on the toilet tank in the bathroom, or gifting to your least beloved...